Professional Training
21 to 25 January 2018, Professional training was organized with the topic of “Application of Electrical machines and drives”. At this training, people from big companies such as TPP-3 (Thermal Power Plant-3), ETPP (Erdenet Thermal Power Plant), Salkhit Wind farm; successfully attended. During this professional training, topics such as “Practical and theoretical experiments of Electrical machines”, “Practical and theoretical experiments of Electrical drives” and “Automatic control system of motor” were studied.
Зөвлөх, Мэргэшсэн инженерүүдийн мэргэшлийн зэргийг сунгах тухай
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ШУТИС, Эрчим хүчний сургууль болон БНСУ-ын өмнөд бүсийн их сургууль - аж үйлдвэрийн инноваци, технологи хөгжүүлэлтийн төвтэй хамтарсан семинарыг зохион байгуулах гэж байна.
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