The new laboratory of Electrical Power Supply for “Research on Innovation of Power Energy Transmission and Distribution” joint research team / JR22C15/ with Doctor, professor B.Sergelen who is team leader in the frame of Higher Engineering Education Development Project has inaugurated ceremony on May 20, 2022, in #606, Building 8, MUST.
The aim of the laboratory is to improve the university’s study and research environment and will be identify labored technical issues facing National transmission and distribution network companies, and all consumers in the Power Energy Sector including mining sector, electrical power supply of light, food, heavy industry, electrical power supply of agricultural, construction, and transportation, renewable energy sector, urban electricity.
It is significant notability that provides electrical specialized scientists and professors of Power Engineering School in collaboration with the Power Energy Sector, will analyze results of the measurements and perform research study using international standard equipment.
2030 Strategy Top Priority- The goal of Power Supply Research Laboratory is fully expedience with the goal of the MUST that develops research that solves challenges for International countries and Mongolia or Research excellence.
We would like to thank the Government of Mongolia, the Government of Japan, the Embassy of Japan in Mongolia, JICA, MJEED, MUST, and Power Engineering School for their invaluable support in establishing this laboratory.
Figure 1. The opening ceremony / 12 th floor /
Figure 2. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony /From left: Head of Resident Representative of the JICA Tanaka Shinichi, A Third Secretary of Embassy of Japan in Mongolia Katanoda Tomoki, Acting president of MUST T.Namnan, Director of Power Engineering School B.Bat-Erdene, Project team leader B.Sergelen /
Figure 3. Introduction of the laboratory equipment
Figure 4. Posters of members for the project team
Figure 5. Introduction of the laboratory equipment
Figure 6. Introduction of the laboratory equipment
Эрчим Хүчний Инженерчлэлийн Сургуулийн 65 жилийн ойн нэрэмжит оюутны эрдэм шинжилгээний бага хурал
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ИТДБ төслийн Эрчим хүчний дамжуулалт, түгээлтийн инновацийн судалгаа судалгааны багаас зохион байгуулсан “Эрчим хүчний дамжуулалт, түгээлтийн инноваци” эрдэм шинжилгээний бага хурал ШУТИС-ЭХС дээр амжилттай зохион байгуулагдлаа.